Saturday, February 23, 2019

Pulwama martyrs: How to help the families of the slain soldiers !

Pulwama martyrs: How to help the families of the slain soldiers !

The suicide attack in Pulwama, which killed 40 brave soldiers of the soil has been a blow not only to families of the slain but also to the entire nation. The attack not only killed 40 Indian Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) personnel but also several civilians were also injured. As the nation rush to help the families of the slain soldiers some anti-social elements are merely seeing this as an opportunity for making easy money. This is yet another one of those instances where the reach, power and influence of the social media can easily be misused to rob people of their money in the name o...



Friday, December 7, 2018

The Critical Role of Literacy in Early Childhood Learning

The Critical Role of Literacy in Early Childhood Learning

Developing literacy in early childhood plays a critical role in learning development. Literacy skills essentially set the stage for future education goals parents and educators will implement, as well as helping children grow academically. But why is literacy in early childhood development so important? The method of simply reading to children early on is the beginning of the vital literacy process. This is the door opener to further education, whether at home or in the classroom. For instance, reading to a child for 20 minutes at home or in class can be one of the most critical literacy prep...



Thursday, December 6, 2018

5 Tips for Studying Abroad with Your Sorority Sisters

5 Tips for Studying Abroad with Your Sorority Sisters

So you’re interested in studying abroad? Studying in a different country comes with a variety of benefits, such as learning about new cultures, being exposed to different opportunities and languages, and giving you plenty of exciting memories. For some students, studying abroad is best done with a group of friends or people you can rely on. If you are part of a sorority, you may find that there is an opportunity for you and your sisters to study abroad together. This can be extremely exciting, especially for those who prefer having some touches of home with them. However, studying abroad with...



Sunday, November 25, 2018

Learn the truth: Is passing GATE really necessary for getting an engineering degree?

Learn the truth: Is passing GATE really necessary for getting an engineering degree?

Since last few days, a news about passing the GATE exam on a compulsory basis is floating not only on social media but has been published in major newspapers as well. This has caused a great panic among the students as studying engineering is a challenge in itself and now just the thought of writing an exit exam to get their degree in hands is just unfair, no matter how any higher authority justifies it. Luckily, the new floating around is simply a fake and the purpose of the news is just to create an atmosphere of tension among the students and to agitate them and force them on streets for pr...



Sunday, November 18, 2018

SoS: Best Safety Apps for Women

SoS: Best Safety Apps for Women

Women are a crucial part of any society and yet they are still the most vulnerable one. Not a single day goes by when we don’t come across the headlines of molestation, eve-teasing, rape, sexual assault etc. Women today cannot rely on anyone other than themselves for their safety and with the invention of the smartphones and revolutions of apps there are now personal safety apps which are designed specifically for women. May you never have to use them but if the situation arises they can really come in handy. Below is the list of apps, which are built keeping the safety of the women in mi...



Thursday, October 25, 2018

Get Inspired ! Learn How to rule life from Inspirational Entrepreneur and Teacher

Get Inspired ! Learn How to rule life from Inspirational Entrepreneur and Teacher

We as humans, are social creatures. Outwardly we all may have different goals in life but the essence behind each and every goal of ours is the desire to achieve success and for this, we seek inspiration. Every day, we meet many people but look up to only a few of them for the inspiration. What sets them apart from others is their story of success and the journey they took to reach the destination. Stories have been a part of every human culture and tradition since time immemorial. Not only they leave a positive impact on our brain but also helps us develop a new and different outlook on the...



Thursday, October 4, 2018

How to write an essay and search content for it?

How to write an essay and search content for it?

Writing a compelling essay is not less than making a hamburger. Just consider the introduction and conclusion part as a bun, with the juicy meat of your arguments in between. Well, the introduction part is the one where you can state a thesis. Similarly, a conclusion is which sums up your case. So, both these portions shouldn’t contain more sentences and should be sweet and concise. While on the other hand, the body of your essay, where you will present facts should contain more substantial information, usually three paragraphs.It takes preparation so let’s get started! Here are the simp...

