Friday, August 24, 2018

Lessons that Atal Bihari Vajpayee taught to Young India

Lessons that Atal Bihari Vajpayee taught to Young India

Politics is often characterized by the strong likes, hard decisions, and even stronger dislikes and is, therefore, a double-edged sword, even for the best of the politicians. The actions of the ministers are not only closely covered by media but also spread around the globe like a wildfire through social media, trolls, news and other means. So, for most of the politicians politics and power accompanied with it is an end in itself and not a means to achieve something greater. But, Vajpayee was different as was more pragmatic in his approach when it comes to the country’s welfare. He managed t...



Friday, August 3, 2018

A Shortlist of Best International Schools in Sukhumvit

A Shortlist of Best International Schools in Sukhumvit

Getting out of the comfort zone and relocating to another country with a culture that is poles apart from one's own can be an exciting adventure. Expatriates will never run out of new foods to try, architectural and natural wonders to see, and a whole new culture to appreciate. But it can also be a daunting prospect especially for people who are relocating to another country for the first time. A vast and cosmopolitan Asian metropolis like Bangkok is home to hundreds of thousands of expatriates from different continents. With a sizeable international community, it is only natural that the est...

