Monday, February 5, 2018

Jaipur teachers are helping the children to deal with the exam stress and anxiety

Jaipur teachers are helping the children to deal with the exam stress and anxiety

With final exams approaching near with every minute, teachers are working their best to identify the students which are under stress or feeling anxiety. Counselors and senior teachers from the schools are receiving the calls from the students sharing their queries and fears. The call inflow related to exam stress has increased this year due to scrapping of the class X classroom exams.Lata Rawat, principal, Cambridge Court High School, says "with growing awareness, calls on school helpline numbers have increased manifold"."Our trained teachers ensure that they read students' mindset while he/she is explaining their query. On finding any symptom indicating the child is under intense stress, we immediately take corrective measures like extending counseling or informing parents," said Rawat.From February 1, CBSE has also started a toll-free helpline service to help students to deal with the exam related stress, fear and anxiety. The toll free helpline will continue until April 29 and students can call on the number between 8am to 10pm. Most of the queries from students are simple and banal but at time complex queries from the students leave counselors scratching their heads such as "can I carry my lucky charm teddy inside the examination hall?" or "I didn't sleep whole night because when I wake up I forget what I studied. Can you tell any formula so I can retain everything even after sleep?" reported a counselor.Madhu Maini, principal, Jayshree Periwal High School said that they have shared the helpline number and have encouraged the students to call on them in any situation.



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