Monday, January 1, 2018

Bridge course for Ayurveda Homeopathy Doctors to practice Allopathy

Bridge course for Ayurveda, Homeopathy Doctors to practice Allopathy

A new bill introduced in Lok Sabha suggests that doctors, who are pursuing studies in Indian systems of medicine, including ayurveda, and homeopathy may be allowed to practice allopathy only after they have cleared a bridge course.The National Medical Commission Bill, 2017 seeks to replace the current medical regulator, Medical Council of India (MCI) with a new body, was moved by the government in the house yesterday.Clause 49 of the bill calls for the joint sitting of the National Medical Commission, the Central Council of Homoeopathy and the Central Council of Indian Medicine at least once a year as this will enhance the interface between homeopathy, Indian Systems of Medicine and modern systems of medicine. "The joint sitting, may, by an affirmative vote of all members present and voting, decide on approving specific bridge course that may be introduced for the practitioners of Homeopathy and of Indian Systems of Medicine to enable them to prescribe such modern medicine at such level as may be prescribed," according to the Bill. The proposed bill is strongly opposed by the Indian Medical Association (IMA). According to the IMA the new bill "will "cripple" the functioning of medical profession by making it completely answerable to the bureaucracy and non-medical administrators.""Regulators need to have an autonomy and be independent of the administrators. The National Medical Commission will be a regulator appointed by the administrators under their direct control," IMA's president K K Aggarwal said.



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