Thursday, January 4, 2018

Select schools in Odisha to introduce zero period

Select schools in Odisha to introduce zero period

In the first phase, in select schools in Odisha, zero period is being introduced to enhance the creativity and logical thinking among the children. In this period, children will be allowed to do activity of their choice under the supervision of the teacher.Depending upon the response and outcomes, the practice of zero period will be extended to other schools as well. “In the first phase, the zero period is being started in 350 out of the 4,000- odd schools in Ganjam. There will not be any teaching or learning from textbooks during this period.” District Education Officer (DEO) Sanatan Panda said. The zero period will be for at least an hour. "The children will be allowed to observe, analyse and form their own opinion on different topics. It was likely to enhance the intelligence, thinking power, confidence and personality of the children," he added.Necessary material to conduct the activities will be provided by the school from the improvement grants under the Sarv Sikshya Abhiyan (SSA) and Rashtriya Madhyamika Sikshya Abhiyan (RMSA).



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