Wednesday, December 13, 2017

Digital India Excellence Award 2017 for the Train 10000 Teachers project by IIT Bombay

Digital India Excellence Award 2017 for the Train 10,000 Teachers project by IIT Bombay

Under the project 'Empowerment of Students/Teachers,' the 'Train 1000 Teachers' program was initiated by the IIT Bombay in 2009 which was sponsored by National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, Government of India). The main aim of the program is to work in collaboration with the engineering colleges to help teachers enhance their teaching skills in core Engineering and Science subjects. The project attempts to address some important critical issues and then tries to approach the issues utilizing the modern technology. The project uses ICT enabled process for reaching out and engaging a large number of teachers and in turn even large number of students. In 2013, the program was further scaled to train up to 10,000 teachers at a time with the help of 338 established Remote Centers across India. IIT_KGP is a partner in this in second phase and has mandated to train 1, 50,000 teachers in the coming three years. The 'Train 10,000 Teachers' utilizes the AVIEW framework developed by Amrita University, through which it provides an interactive social media environment through the internet which is used for e-learning, and communicating and interacting with people in different places.



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