Sunday, December 3, 2017

Due to lack of demand more than 1300 schools to be shut down

Due to lack of demand, more than 1300 schools to be shut down

More than 1300 government schools in which less than 10 students are enrolled will face closure due to the lack demand in their areas, said state Education Minister Vinod Tawde. He further said that these schools will only be closed after their teachers and students have been transferred to another school. As of now, school education department has identified 4,353 government schools and 69 private schools in which less than 10 students are enrolled. Tawde said 'there are around 28,412 students in these 4,422 schools. To shift these students to other schools would require more infrastructure, and hence not all of these schools will be closed immediately'. Only 1300 schools have been identified from which teachers and students will be shifted. “No teacher will lose a job and no student will be deprived of school education. The students and teachers from these 1,314 schools will be shifted to schools with good grades, where the performance of students is good,” said Tawde.The Right to Education Act, 2001 allows the closure of schools in which enrollment is less than 20 and state government conducted a survey to identify such schools. Government identified 5002 such schools and most of them belong to tribal department, social justice department or are unaided or self-aided. A decision on the future of such schools is pending.



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