Sunday, March 4, 2018

Authorities at TISS said strike called off; students denied the fact

Authorities at TISS said strike called off; students denied the fact

As the letter from the TISS authorities announced ending of the strike, students at the institute are still continuing their protest continuously for the 11th day. The notification was issued by the acting director which said that the student union has called off the protest. The notification caused a rife among the students and they decided to continue the protest until their demands are met by the authorities.So far, the institute has decided to waive the fee for the 2016-18 batch and has allowed the 2017-19 batch to pay their hostel and dining fees as per their convenience. However, the students want the hostel and dining charges to be waived for the 207-19 batch as well.“A section of the student union has written to the institute announcing that the strike was called off. This was not in consensus with the general body of the council. The protests will continue as before,” said Fahad Ahmad, general secretary, student union.     He said that student representatives from other campuses (Tuljapur, Hyderabad, Guwahati) were also present at the Mumbai campus in order to decide the further course of action.



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