Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Students cannot let stress ruin their lives: CBSE Chairperson

Students cannot let stress ruin their lives: CBSE Chairperson

In a letter to the students appearing for their board exams, CBSE chairperson, Anita Karwal IAS, said that students should treat stress, anxiety, nervousness and worry as a noun only. The letter also carries an encouraging message from the book Harry Potter.This year, more than 28 lakh candidates are appearing for their board exams."I happen to belong to the batch of students who were the first to go through the 10+2 system of CBSE Board exams. Now that I look back, all I remember is that I studied hard, revised a lot, and still found time to hear my favourite song or two on the radio (a thing of the past now), or chat with a friend while taking a break from studies. What I do not remember, however, is what my results were," this is now Ms Karwal began her message for the board examinees.Ms Karwal said that marks cannot define you and cannot bring out the uniqueness in you which you all inherently possesses.To prove her point she even quoted the Albert Einstein who was rejected by the University of Bern before he went on to become one of the great physicist the world has seen. She also quoted Bill Gated who employed the topper of his batch as an engineer in Microsoft. "We adults realize pretty soon in our careers that what mattered more was not how much knowledge we had acquired, but whether we used it wisely along the way. I am aware that all of you are at that crossroads in life when these things do not make much sense to you. But they will, and soon enough you will embark on the career of your choice," she added. "These days will pass quickly, if you exude positive energies about the present and your future, but the days will drag if you are negative," her motivational letter said.She further added that 'stress, anxiety and fear are just 'nouns' after all! And nouns cannot rule our lives!'"It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities" she quoted Professor Dumbledore from the book 'Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets' while asked the students to choose wisely.



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