Saturday, March 3, 2018

NIOS DElEd: Submit the examination forms online

NIOS DElEd: Submit the examination forms online

All the untrained registered teachers for the DElEd has been asked by the NIOS to submit the exam forms by visiting the official website-- is accepting the forms in online format only and no form in offline mode will be accepted by the authority.Registered teachers can submit their online forms by logging into the website by using their teacher login details.NIOS has also asked the teachers to not to submit the offline forms at the study center and not pay any fee in the form of cheque or draft.The online form can be submitted after paying a small fee of INR 250. The lst date to submit the form is March 6, 2018. From March 7 to March 15 late forms can be submitted with a late fee of INR 100 extra.As of now, NIOS DElEd candidates can submit their forms for the three courses namely-- 501,502 and 503.The teacher training programme is designed for all untrained government, government aided, private unaided recognized in- service untrained teachers of Elementary Schools and till today more than 15 lakh untrained teachers have registered for the program.



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