Tuesday, March 20, 2018

HRD Ministry: States to decide whether to reduce the NCERT syllabus or not

HRD Ministry: States to decide whether to reduce the NCERT syllabus or not

On the matter of reducing the NCERT syllabus, the Union Human Resource Development Ministry said that final decision is in the hands of the state. They can 'adapt or adopt' the plan to reduce the curriculum as prescribed by NCERT.“Education being a subject in the concurrent list of the Constitution and substantial majority of schools being under the jurisdiction of the state governments, it is for the respective states to either adopt or adapt the model curriculum, syllabi and textbooks developed by the NCERT,” said Minster of State for HRD Upendra Kushwaha in response to a written question in the Lok Sabha.The HRD ministry is also seeking the suggestions from the various stakeholders on which portions of the NCERT syllabus can be done away with so that the burden on the students can be reduced.Union Minister Praksah Javadekar had recently said "the school syllabus is more than that of BA and B Com courses, and it needed to be reduced by half so that students get time for other activities for their all- round development. This will be done in the next two to three years and the curriculum would be revamped to include physical education, value education and life skills education."

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