Thursday, March 15, 2018

Parents rush to other schools as uncertainty hovers over RTE Admissions in Gujarat

Parents rush to other schools as uncertainty hovers over RTE Admissions in Gujarat

The Gujarat Education department, under the Right to Education (RTE) Act, has not initiated the admissions of the Economically Weaker Section (EWS).Last year, an admission portal for the same purpose was launched by the state government. The admissions were to begin from March 12 but bow they have been postponed for indefinite time for reasons unknown.“It is expected to start within a fortnight, but nothing is confirmed yet,” a District Education Officer in Ahmedabad said. Parents, on the other hand, are accusing private schools. According to the parents, private schools are demanding admission fee which is non-refundable.As the uncertainty hovers over the EWS admission, parents are securing the admission of their ward in the private schools which they can't afford.The Right to Education Resource Centre (RTERC) at the Indian Institute of Management-Ahmedabad (IIM-A) is assisting the state education department in the EWS admissions. The center is receiving hundreds of calls on a daily basis from anxious parents.“Since the dedicated portal for RTE admission, run by the education department, does not specify any date for submission of forms, parents are really a worried lot. Most of them are calling the helpline to enquire if they will be refunded the admission fee in case they are allotted seats under the RTE Act since they have already taken admissions in other schools,” said one of the volunteers at the RTERC.



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