Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Youth Employment: IIT Roorkee and Pratham joined hands to raise funds

Youth Employment: IIT Roorkee and Pratham joined hands to raise funds

Cognizance, IIT Roorkee's annual technical festival has launched a pan-India fund raising campaign which will sponsor a skill based training to the 40 unemployed youth and will help them in getting the jobs in the market.The campaign is in partnership with the non-profit organization Pratham Education Foundation and so far has been able to raise INR 29,604.A statement from the institute said "With the cost of helping one student acquire vocational skills at Rs. 2,500, the cognizance team aims to raise Rs. 1 lakh to help at least 40 people to stand-up confidently in the job market"."The annual technical festival has been taking up various social problems and working on them over years. The Cognizance team has contributed to the generous cause, but because of being a not-for-profit student organization, we are able to produce just a tiny ripple of change," Cognizance 2018 Convener -administration- Manmohan Singh Charan said in the statement.After the training, Pratham will provide placement and entrepreneurship support to these youths."Pratham has been closing the skills gap by providing industry-specific training to underprivileged youth, helping them accumulate experience and transition to employment in new professions and localities," said the statement.



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