Tuesday, June 13, 2017

Takeout exam to be introduced by the Oxford University

Takeout exam to be introduced by the Oxford University

Oxford University which is known for its excellence in academics is now all set to introduce an exam called 'takeout' exam. The exam will offered as a part of the history course which will help women to get better grades. According to the reports from Sunday Time, one of the Oxford university's five final-year history exams will be replaced by the exam which can be done at home. This step is being taken to improve the results for female students. The move will be introduced from the next academic session in an attempt to reduce the gender gap in male and female students' first class degrees. Internal documents, obtained under freedom of information laws by the newspaper, said: "This course in particular showed one of the largest gender gaps in results between women and men. As women and men perform more equally in submitted work, it was proposed that a takeout exam with questions similar to that in a timed exam should be implemented."Statistics reveal that 32 percent of women achieved a first class in history at Oxford, in comparison to the 37 percent men. In Cambridge University the average gender gap is nearly nine percentage point and the University is also examining its system in order to understand these variations and how to mitigate them.

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