IBPS PO VII: Admit cards released; Download now

Institute of Banking Personnel Selection (IBPS) has released the admit cards for the Probationary Officers (PO)/management trainees (CWE PO/MT-VII) online preliminary exam.Candidates can now download the same from the official website of the IBPS which is ibps.in.IBPS, every year release the notifications for the recruitment of PO/ MT, clerk, RRB etc. to fill the vacant seats in the various public sector banks and the participating organizations.The admit cards will be available for download till October 14, 2017.Steps to download the admit cards for PO VII Visit the official website of the IBPS at ibps.inOn the top of the home page, click on the link download call letters for PO VII.A new page will be opened and on this page click on the link Download Preliminary exam call letter.Enter the registration number, password and captcha in the fields provided.Click on login and your call letter will be displayed on the screenDownload the call letter and take the print out of the same. The online preliminary exam for the PO VII is scheduled for October 7, 8, 14 and 15 and the results for the same will be released in the same month. The candidates who clear the pre exam will have to appear for the mains exam the results of which will be released in December.
https://www.brainbuxa.com/education-news/ibps-po-vii-admit-cards-released-download-now-7166 "BRAINBUXA" https://www.brainbuxa.com/
http://brainbuxanews.weebly.com/brainbuxa/ibps-po-vii-admit-cards-released-download-now "BRAINBUXA" http://brainbuxanews.weebly.com/
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