Friday, September 29, 2017

Meet India's first school to run completely on solar power

Meet India's first school to run completely on solar power

The Canadian International School in Bangalore is the first school to run completely on the power generated from solar energy.The school is a culturally rich mosaic which represents the students globally and focuses on providing the basic technology literacy and hands on experiences to students via contextual learning.The main aim of the curriculum of the school is to prepare the students for the global community which is ever changing.How does The School run on solar power?Every year the schools need about 4,25,000 kW of energy and by using the solar panels they are producing five lakh kilowatt per year. The school is also aiming at producing the 300 kilo watt per hour at the peak capacity. The peak time being 10 am to 4 pm. As of now, the school is producing more than sufficient power which is needed to run the school. There is also a meter installed alongside the demo unit which measures how much electricity is being produced by all the panels which allow students to see the conversion from solar to electricity first hand. The solar panel in the school was installed at the considerable cost of INR 3 crore but the incentives were provided by the Karnataka state government for the installation.As of now, the surplus energy being generated by the school is given to the government of Karnataka for the public utilization.



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