Thursday, September 7, 2017

Government to change the selection procedure for selecting the IIT Directors

Government to change the selection procedure for selecting the IIT Directors

The government is planning to change the selection procedure for selecting the IIT director and under the new procedure the government has proposed to make the selection process competitive if, the director wants to continue for the second term.Under the current policy, the government simply asks the IIT director few months before the end of this term if, the he wants to continue for another five years. If, the answer is yes, then the current director is evaluated by a search-cum-selection committee and if his performance is assessed as excellent then he is re-appointed as a director of IIT.In such a scenario, the post is not advertised as vacant and the director does not have to compete with other candidates.Now, the government is trying to change the current process and is aiming to fill the director's post only through advertisement and competition. “The current selection process is not objective,” said a ministry source. According to the sources, the move, before it can be officially introduced into the system will require a nod from HRD Minister Prakash Javadekar and might have to be placed before next IIT Council meeting for approval.Javadekar is the chairman of the council, which is the highest decision making body for all the IITs of the nation.After September 2013, the government re-appointed five IIT directors without advertising the vacancies. These directors are: Bombay (Devang Khakhar)Hyderabad (U B Desai)Gandhinagar (S K Jain)Madras (Bhaskar Ramamurthi)Indore (Pradeep Mathur) These re-appointments were justified by saying that it is good for the stability of the institutions.



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