Sunday, September 10, 2017

Jharkhand's target to achieve full literacy rate by 2020

Jharkhand's target to achieve full literacy rate by 2020

Jharkhand state aims to achieve full literacy rate by the year 2020 said, Jharkhand Chief Minister Raghubar Das.Speaking on the occasion of International Literacy Day said that about 32 lakh people have become literate in the state under his government rule.Das said "the state has set a target of 2020 in order to be fully literate, two years prior to Prime Minister Narendra Modiʼs target of 2022 to make everyone in the country literate". According to the CM, censes of 2011 shows the literacy rate of state at 66.41 percent which highlights the challenge which the state is facing with regard to its literacy rate. He pointed that only through literacy it possible to have a complete development of the state and said "Jharkhand needs to achieve full literacy even among its woman and the tribal population. He said that though the target has been set, the goals can only be achieved if the society puts in a helping hand".The Chief Minister also urged the literate population of the state to contribute in teaching the illiterate masses of the state so that the target of making the full state literate can be achieved soon.



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