A Relationship Between 5 Top TV Serials and B School Students You Meet on Campus

While we have been told that we are all unique in our ways and are there to carve paths of our own, we tend to follow certain trends. Here, based on your personality, we’ll tell you what TV series are you most similar to- GAME OF THRONES: The one thing these students have in their minds is politics. Just like Westeros, they see their college campus as every lord sees the seven kingdoms and they look at the valedictorian podium as the iron throne. Come white walkers or dragons, they are set to conquer it and will wage every war that they might have to, in order to get there one day. These s...
https://www.brainbuxa.com/blog/a-relationship-between-5-top-tv-serials-and-b-school-students-you-meet-on-campus "BRAINBUXA" https://www.brainbuxa.com/
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