Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Delhi University Teachers Observe black day against the recommendations of 7th pay commission

Delhi University Teachers Observe black day against the recommendations of 7th pay commission

Teachers of Delhi University observed back day against the recommendations of the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC). Following the recommendations of the CPC for the Central Government employees, Union Cabinet approved the revision of the pay scales for the teachers and other equivalent academic staff of the higher educational institutes.The revision details of the CPC were notified by the government on November 2. "This pay revision through a mechanical conversion of the notionally higher entry pay and withdrawal of advance increments for MPhil/ PhD has negated the principle of higher entry pay - a principle that recognized that teaching profession requires higher qualification and late entry," said a statement from Delhi University Teachers Association (DUTA). The statement also highlighted the fact that the anomalies of the last pay revision have not been addressed which leads to downgrading of the assistant professors at the entry level.DTUA said 'it considers delay in notifying the revised allowances a deliberate and insidious attempt to deny teachers their rightful entitlements.'"Also it is shocking that the MHRD notification gives no reference to the revised pension benefits for teachers in accordance to the provisions of the 7th Pay Revision. This is again in sharp contrast to earlier pay revisions where the revised rates of pension, family pension and other pecuniary benefits were notified in the same notification of revised pay structures," it said.According to the DTUA, for the first time the report of the committee has not been made public.



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