Thursday, November 16, 2017

In Maharashtra courses in manual typewriting to resume

In Maharashtra, courses in manual typewriting to resume

Manual typewriting exam was scrapped by the government of Maharashtra three months ago but now the government has given go-ahead for resuming the manual typewriting course in the state. “The government is giving approval for starting typing courses in all government-approved shorthand and typewriting institutes till November 30, 2019. All approved institutes should change their syllabus to include computer typing along with manual typewriting lessons. After November 30, 2019, the state will evaluate the computer typewriting courses started in these institutes and then decide on whether manual typewriting courses should continue,” the state government said in a circular. Maharashtra had more than 3500 typing and shorthand institutes which trained more than 7 lakh students in Government Certificate in Computer Typing Basic Course (GCC-TBC) every year. The test help in evaluating the students' typing skill and certification is useful as it helped when people apply in government jobs.However, with typewriters becoming obsolete government was kneen on shutting the course down. “Typewriting machines are outdated, manufacturers have shut shop and there are no spare parts available in market. We need computer-trained individuals for government offices as wes adapt to e-governance,” said a GR released in October, 2013 by the department of school education and sports.These schools however, survived by seeking repeated extensions from the government. In August, the government decided that the manual typewriting exam will be held for the last time. The decision of the government caused the schools which taught only manual typewriting to close down and some of the school owners also challenged the government's decision in the Bombay High Court. Bombay High Court asked the state government to discuss the matter with the school owners and arrive at a feasible solution.



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