Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Ragging in all forms needs to be eliminated from campuses: Prakash Javadekar

Ragging, in all forms, needs to be eliminated from campuses: Prakash Javadekar

Criticizing ragging in all its forms, Union Human Resource Development Minister, Prakash Javadekar said that it is important to eliminate ragging from campuses. To support the same cause, an anti-ragging app has been launched by University Grants Commission (UGC) which will help students and make it easier for them to register their complaints against ragging. Talking about the same Prakash Javadekar said "physical and mental torture of a new student won't be tolerated by the government and the new app will work as a handy tool for any student who goes through such experience". He also promised that immediate action will be taken by the government on any complaint received through the app."It is a good step for protection and will give a feeling of security to students," he said. He also cautioned the students who indulge themselves in ragging and said that if found they will not be allowed to continue their education any further in the institution. "At the same time they will meet severe penalty and punishment as per the law," he said.At the same time he hoped that seniors will help their juniors and act as responsible mentors for them and guide them in the right direction.

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