JEE advanced 2017 admit cards released

Admit cards for the JEE Advanced exam has been released on the official website and all students can now download the same from the official website of the exam which is exam is scheduled to be held on May 21 and IIT Madras is in-charge of organizing the exam this year.Below are the steps to download the admit cards Log into the official website, on the link saying 'Online admit card'Enter your registration number, date of birth, mobile number and email Id in the prescribed format.Click on download admit card.Admit card will be displayed on the screenTake the print out of the admit card for the future reference Important dates regarding the exam JEE Advanced: May 21Online display of ORS and scanned responses: May 31 till June 3Online display of answer keys: June 4Comments and feedbacks from the students on answer keys June 4 to June 6Declaration of online results: June 11Tentative seat allotment: June 19 to July 18 The exam is conducted on national level for getting admissions into various undergraduate programs in IIT's located in Bhubaneswar, Bombay, Delhi,Gandhinagar, Guwahati, Hyderabad, Indore, Jodhpur, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Mandi, Madras, Palakkad, Patna, Ropar, Roorkee, Tirupati, Banaras Hindu University (IIT-BHU) Varanasi and Indian School of Mines (ISM) Dhanbad for the academic session 2017. Timings for exam: Paper 1: 9 am to 12 pmPaper 2: 2pm to 5 pm
Repost:- "BRAINBUXA"
Repost:- "BRAINBUXA"
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