Wednesday, August 30, 2017

IIM-A to develop the matrimonial portal for the HIV positive people

IIM-A to develop the matrimonial portal for the HIV positive people

A team of researchers from Indian Institute of Technology Ahmedabad is working on developing an online marriage portal for the people living with HIV.The IIM-A team is being led by the faculty of Centre for Management of Health Services (CMHS). For the project, the IIM-A has collaborated with the Gujarat State Network of Positive People (GSNP+) which is currently maintaining the file of about 500 PLHIV people who are looking forward to get married. IIM-A will complete the development phase of the website soon and after that it will hand over the management and launch of the website to the GSNP+.“I wish the PLHIV marriage portal project success. It will have a positive impact on the lives of individuals living with HIV, as also on the communities within which they live. This project demonstrates the direct impact on society of some of the work being done at IIMA,” says Ashish Nanda, professor at IIMA.The current scope of the project is very small because of the small number of people registered. But institute is hoping that the project will gain pace once it is launched online.“Marriage bureau is one of the ways to contribute to the society for positive prevention through PLHIV as well as to encourage positive living. It will enable the PLHIV in enjoying life with a life partner, where they easily disclose, care for each other, act as support system,” said Daxa Patel, formal secretary of GSNP+.



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