Wednesday, April 19, 2017

IIT-Delhi in news for hostel dress code for girl students

IIT-Delhi in news for hostel dress code for girl students

Indian premier technical education institute IIT-Delhi is in controversy again and this time for imposing a dress code restriction on women.In a notice issued, IIT Delhi asked the female students to wear 'fully covered decent' clothes to participate in a function on April 20. The notice raised the controversy and it is now midst of being withdrawn."We have asked  hostel administration to withdrw the notice as it is not proper to tell the girls what to wear and what to not" said T.R Sreekrishnan, Dean of student affairs, IIT Delhi. The notice was issued at Himadari Hostel which had urged all the residents to wear decent western or Indian dress on the occasion of their house day which is due on April 20.The issued notice for the women was first uploaded on the Facebook Page of Pinjra Tod which online campaign against the restrictions imposed by the hostels on girls living in them.In recent years this is the second time the IIT Delhi has been in controversy. Last year IIT Delhi was criticized for imposing the restrictions imposed on serving the non-vegetarian food at some of the hostels.



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