Monday, April 17, 2017

In order to add more women IITs to add 20% more seats

In order to add more women, IITs to add 20% more seats

From the academic session 2018, IITs have decided to add supernumerary quota for women with the purpose to improve the gender composition in the classrooms of IITs. As a result, the decision to add 20% additional seats, exclusively for women was taken at a meeting of the Joint Admission Board. This will implemented over the span of three years as 14 percent additional seats in 201817 percent additional seats in 201920 percent additional seats in 2020 "The 20 per cent supernumerary quota will kick in only if the admission of female candidates to a course is abysmally low. For instance, if there are 100 seats and only 10 of them have been taken by women, then the institute will add 20 per cent seats over and above the actual strength, but only for women. The effort will be to lower the cut-off till these extra seats are filled up by women,” said an HRD official. The step is taken by Joint Admission Board in order to improve the poor enrollment of female gender in IITs. In 2014 8.8 percent women were admitted, in 2015 this figure went up to 9 percent but dropped to 8 percent in 2016.



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