Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Super 30 founder encourages not to let poverty kill talent

Super 30 founder encourages not to let poverty kill talent

Anand Kumar, founder of the educational program 'Super 30' and mathematician urged to all that poor kids who are talented must be given adequate financial aid so that because of poverty they are not deprived of the opportunity of higher education. Anand Kumar was present at the Foundation of Excellence's (FFE) first New York chapter gala at the Taj Hotel where he made it clear that there is no shortage of talent in India. "All that is required is to spot the talent and provide it the needed support to give proper shape to the talent," he said. Kumar point that there are many talented students in the nation who could not even get the prose education because of the poverty, let alone higher or technical education. By supporting such talent we can give back to the society. "Poverty should not come in the way of education of talented students. It is in this light that I value the contribution of FFE immensely. But, it should not confine its support to just higher or technical education; there is a need to support student right from the primary or secondary stage," he added. "All Indians working across the globe join hands for the noble work. It could have a transforming effect to immense satisfaction of all those associated with it," he added.All in all it boils down to providing the right opportunity to the right students at the right time. Super 30 program was started by Anand Kumar back in 2002 under his  Ramanujam Institute of Mathematics where 30 meritorious students are selected from the economically backward section of the society and are trained for getting admission into IITs.



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