Sunday, July 30, 2017

Research will no longer be the assessment criteria for the teachers: Javadekar

Research will no longer be the assessment criteria for the teachers: Javadekar

Research will no longer be the criteria for promoting the teachers in colleges said, Human Resource Development (HRD) Minister Prakash Javadekar on Saturday.He said that Academic Performance Index, which makes research a mandatory criterion for the promotion of the college teachers' is under research and after the revision, teachers will mainly be assessed on the basis of their teaching and their engagement in the community work. However, for the teachers who teach the students at PG level or above, research will be the main criteria for the promotion. “By making research compulsory for promotions for college teachers, research stopped completely. We realise that college and university teachers fall in completely different categories. There are different expectations from those who teach postgraduate students and those who teach undergraduate students. College teachersʼ main duty should be to teach well,” Javadekar said at the two-day National Conference on Higher Education Perspective in India. The conference was organized by the DDU College and Akhil Bharatiya Shaikshik Mahasangh — a right-wing organization jointly.As Javadekar was addressing the college teachers he said "We wonʼt burden you with the responsibility of research, weʼll make it optional".



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