Answer keys for the UPTET 2017 exams to be released tomorrow

UP Teacher Eligibility Test 2017 was conducted by the Uttar Pradesh Exam Regulatory Authority on October 15 and the answer keys for the same are expected to release tomorrow, on October 17, 2017 on the official website at to the reports, during the exam eight people were caught impersonating in the exams and many other candidates reported of printing errors on the admit card.At a center's in UP's Bhagpat district many aspirants could reach the center on time due to heavy traffic jam on Delhi-Yamunotri highway and were not allowed to sit in the exam.The test was held at 1634 different centers in the state out of which 570 centers were for the primary level and 1064 were for the upper primary level.More than 10 lakh candidates applied for the UPTET 2017 exam but only 9.76 lakh candidates were allowed to sit in the exam.How to download the answer keys Visit the official website of the UPTET 2017 at on the link for the answer keys for primary and upper primary papersA pdf file be openedDownload the file and take the print out if neededMatch your answers against the key
Repost:- "BRAINBUXA"
Repost:- "BRAINBUXA"
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