Last date to apply for Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar

The last date to apply for the Swachh Vidyalaya Puraskar is today i.e. Tuesday, October 31, 2017.Schools who are interested in participating in the competition can apply for the same through the official website-- schools Government schoolsGovernment aided schoolsPrivate schools in urban areasPrivate schools in rural areas Schools which have gained at least two stars out of five will be eligible for the award and the awards will be given at district, state/union territory and national levels.The competition was initiated in 2016 in order to promote and inspire the need of sanitations and hygiene practices in the schools. Schools which have taken significant steps to implement hygiene and sanitation will be awarded with award.
Repost:- "BRAINBUXA"
Repost:- "BRAINBUXA"
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