Kendriya Vidyalayas to be ranked on the basis of performance by HRD ministry

Ministry of Human Resource Development (MHRD) has decided to rank the more than 1000 KVs of the nation. This initiative by the government is one of its kind which aims to further improve the performance of the institutes by holding a competition among them. The process has already been started by the government and the outcome of this initiative will be declared by the government in June next year.According to the sources, for the purpose of rankings, the inspection of the schools will be done twice and this will become a regular annual exercise from next year.Maximum grade points will be 1000 and KVs will be graded under four categories. These categories are: Category A- 80 per cent and above (excellent)Category B- 60-79.9 per cent (very good)Category C- 40-59.9 per cent (Good)Category D- below 40 per cent There are seven parameters under which more than 1000 KVs of the nation will be assessed including the academic performance.Following are weightage of different parameters: Academic performance- 500 pointsSchool infrastructure- 150 pointsSchool administration- 120 pointsFinance- 70 pointsCommunity participation- 60 participationGrace points- 90 pointsOverall observation by the inspectors- 10 points
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