UGC's decision may reduce the faculty posts for the SC/ST and OBC

A new formula for implementing the reservation in teaching posts can lead to reduced numbers of posts for the SC/ST and OBS category candidates if, HRD Ministry decides to accept the UGC's new formula for the same.In a decision taken last month, UGC said that number of reserved posts in universities shall be calculated department wise and not on the basis of aggregate posts in the university. According to P S Krishnan, former secretary to the central government and an expert on the subject, the new change can lead to fewer numbers of posts in the universities for the reserved categories candidates. The new formula in reservation is suggested by the UGC on the basis of the verdict by the Allahabad court which was passed in April. The court, while hearing the case of teacher recruitment for BHU said that ' reservation in teaching posts has to be applied department-wise by treating the department as a “unit” and not the university.'The court also criticized he UGC for applying reservation in a blanket manner and advised the regulator to revise the structure of the reservation.“If the University is taken as a ‘Unitʼ for every level of teaching and applying the roster, it could result in some departments/subjects having all reserved candidates and some having only unreserved candidates. Such a proposition again would be discriminatory and unreasonable. This again would be violative of Article 14 and 16 of the Constitution,” the Allahadbad High Court had observed in its verdict that cancelled the BHU recruitment and asked it to start afresh.The UGC's standing committee examined the court judgment on the subject and said that verdict should be applied to all the universities in the nation.
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