Public hearing against the JNUTA's V-C begins

The public hearing against the V-C of Jawaharlal Nehru University will begin a day after the release of the charge sheet by Jawaharlal Nehru University Teachersʼ Association (JNUTA).V-C of JNU, M Jagadesh Kumar has been charged with multiple charges such as violating statutory provisions, harassing teachers and promoting authoritarianism. The hearing will be public but the V-C will not be present in the hearing.The V-C was given the time till October 20 to respond to the charges. JNUTA had told the V-C that if he fails to respond to the charges by the given time then they will hold a public hearing against him. “The JNUTA public inquiry against the V-C is a mode of protest modeled on an official inquiry, but deriving its legitimacy not from powers vested in any statutory authority but by being an expression of the collective sentiment of teachers of JNU,” the JNUTA statement said. A group of teachers will be present before the panel of public figures, which have been selected from different walks of life and after each hearing the JNUTA will bring out the picture of damage which is being done to the institution by its current V-C Kumar.On behalf of the V-C, a defense will be presented against the charges irrespective of his presence in the public hearing.
Repost:- "BRAINBUXA"
Repost:- "BRAINBUXA"
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