Class 12th time table for Bihar Board released

Date sheet for the class 12 board exams has been released by the Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB) on its official exams for class 12 will be conducted by the BSEB in two sittings from February 6 to February 16, 2018.Timing for first sitting is 9.45 am to 1 pmTiming for second sitting is 1.45 pm to 5 pmThe board also said that cool off period of 15 minutes will be given to the candidates so that they can read, analyze and plan how to answer the question paper.ScheduleTuesday, February 6, 2018First sittingBiology (ISc)Entrepreneurship (ICom)Second sittingPhilosophy (IA)RB Hindi (Voc) Wednesday, February 7, 2018First sittingLanguage subjects (IA)Second sittingComputer science (IA, ISc, ICom)Multi media and web technology (IA, ISc, ICom)Foundation course (Voc) Thursday, February 8, 2018First sittingPhysics (ISc)Yoga and physical education (IA)Second sittingHistory (IA)English (Voc) Friday, February 9, 2018First sittingNRB and MB (IA)Second sittingAccountancy (ICom)Vocational trade 1 (Voc) Saturday, February 10, 2018First sittingChemistry (ISc)Second sittingPolitical science (IA)Vocational trade 2 (Voc) Monday, February 12, 2018First sittingAgriculture (ISc)Music (IA)Second sittingBusiness Studies (ICom)Geography (IA) Tuesday, February 13, 2018First sittingLanguage subjects (ISc, ICom)Second sittingPsychology (IA)Vocational trade 3 (Voc) Wednesday, February 14, 2018First sittingNRB and MB (ISc, ICom)Second sittingSociology (IA)Related subjects (Voc) Thursday, February 15, 2018First sittingMathematics (ISc, IA)Second sittingEconomics (IA) Friday, February 16, 2018First sittingHome science (IA)Economics (ICom)
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