CBSE calling in applicants for compartment, improvement, and failed candidates

The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) is now inviting the application from candidates of class 12 who are not eligible for the Improvement of Performance (NIOP) and wish to appear for the improvement or compartment exams.Such candidates can appear as private candidates in the CBSE board exams which the board will conduct in the month of March in 2018.The Board is also inviting the applications from class 10 from the private candidates. The exams of these candidates will be conducted for 80 marks and will cover the entire syllabus of class 10.“The students who have been declared as EIOP/NIOP in Board (SA-2) examination 2017/ earlier will need to give 2018 examination (covering entire class X syllabus) according to revised pattern,” the CBSE said in a notice.Candidates are required to pay the fee of INR 900 for five subjects. For private candidates, the fee for the additional subject is INR 180, for additional compartment or improvement exam is INR 200 and for the practical and projects is INR 80. For the exams which are due in 2018, candidates should note that they will be allotted new roll number and last year's roll numbers will not be valid in the exam.
Repost:- "BRAINBUXA"
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