Check now: Class 10 time table for UP board released

The time table for High School and Intermediate exams for 2018 for UP Board has been released by the Uttar Pradesh Madhyamik Shiksha Parishad and unlike last year, the exams for both class 10 and 12 will begin from February 6, 2018.The exams for High School will end on February 22 while for the intermediate they will end on March 10.The morning session for the exam will be from 7:30 – 10:45 am and the evening session will start from 2 to 5:15 pm.Time table for class 10 February 6: Home Science – only for students who opted for optional subject and for girlsFebruary 7: Hindi / Preliminary HindiFebruary 8: Agriculture (Krishi)February 9: EnglishFebruary 10: MusicFebruary 12: Urdu, Human science at 2 pmFebruary 13: Maths, beginnerʼs mathematicsFebruary 15: Ranjan Arts, sewingFebruary 16: Drawing, Commerce (2 pm)February 17: Social scienceFebruary 19: Gujarati / Urdu / Punjabi / Bengali / Marathi / Assamese / Oriya / Kannada / Kashmiri / Sindhi / Tamil / Telugu / Malayalam / NepaliMusic (instrumental) at 2 pmFebruary 20: ScienceFebruary 21: ComputerFebruary 22: Sanskrit
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