DU lacks teachers with degree in Environmental Science: RTI

Several colleges under DU are violating the direct guidelines of the UGC regarding who can teach the environmental science subject. Environmental science is a compulsory paper.According to the guidelines of UGC, only teachers with PG or above can teach the environmental science subject. However, in DU most of the teachers teaching the subject are graduates in pure science and some teachers have degrees in geography or even Hindi and history.In an RTI reply received by the All India Environmental Science Studentsʼ Union from over 40 DU colleges, the fact came to light that DU have only eight teachers with MA in environmental science.The 2014 order of the UGC states 'task of teaching the module on environmental studies be entrusted with teachers who fulfill qualifications laid down by UGC. Teaching must be carried out by faculty trained at post-graduate and PhD levels in the area of environmental studies or sciences…'In July 2015, the colleges were asked by the environmental science department to follow the directive. But according to the RTI reply, in most colleges, the subject is being taught by the teachers with degrees in botany, zoology, chemistry or physics.Following are the colleges which have teachers with the requisite degree: Kamala Nehru CollegeAurobindo College (Morning)College of Vocational StudiesShivaji CollegeDeen Dayal UpadhyayaZakir Hussain (Evening)Guru Gobind Singh College of CommerceDCAC Head of the Environmental Science department, M K Pandit, said, “When the subject was introduced… colleges were allowed to appoint teachers with relevant subjects. But they have continued the trend. The UGC and DU have written to them several times, but no principal has complied.”Head of the Environmental Science department, M K Pandit, said, “When the subject was introduced… colleges were allowed to appoint teachers with relevant subjects. But they have continued the trend. The UGC and DU have written to them several times, but no principal has complied.”
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