Application process for NCERT RIE CEE to begin in April 18; Check out exam pattern and exam dates

The application process for the NCERT's Common Entrance Examination (CEE) will begin in the month of March and April, 2018. Once the process has started, candidates can visit the official website-- and apply for the same.The exam will be conducted by the CBSE to determine the eligibility of the candidates for admissions into various courses in Regional Institutes of Education (RIE).The courses are BScBEd, BABEd, MScEd, BEd, MEd and BEd-MEd.This year NCERT CEE was conducted by the authority on June 11, 2017. The exam was conducted in 3 different cities of the nation. Here is the schedule of exam for the 2017 which can help the candidate to approximate the dates for the 2018 exams.NCERT CEE 2017 important dates: Last date to apply- May 15, 2017Admit card- May 18, 2017NCERT CEE- June 11, 2017Results for BScBEd, BABEd, MScEd- July 10, 2017Results for BEd, BEd-MEd, MEd- July 24, 2017 Exam patternThe 2017 NCERT CEE exam had 80 questions and each question was of 2 marks. The questions were divided into different sections as follows: 20 questions on language proficiency30 on teaching aptitude30 on reasoning ability Total time given to the candidates to attempt 80 questions was two hours. For wrong answer there was a penalty of 0.5 marks.
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